Resource guarding can be towards anything that your dog considers valuable, from a favourite toy; the sofa; your bed; food or even YOU! Resource guarding is exactly as the name suggests, protecting a valuable resource by displaying aggressive behaviour. The levels of aggressive behaviour can vary, from a dog eating faster when someone approaches their food bowl, to attacking anyone who dares get too close or tries to touch their valued possession.
Although there are training techniques which need to be done when your dog is still a puppy, to prevent this from occurring later on in life, if a dog has taught ITSELF that they need to act aggressively in order to keep their valued resource, then it can be a behaviour deep routed in some dogs. This can often be common with rescue dogs who have had to learn to compete for food and other items with other dogs. By using my positive reward training techniques, your dog will quickly realise that by sharing their valued possession will in fact be highly rewarded.
Does your dog have behavioural problems? Steve Hutley can help!